How to Avoid HIV/AIDS Infection


HIV/AIDS happens to be among the most feared infections in the world. In its initial stages, people used to be stigmatized while others were isolated by even the members of the family. It is through understanding of what HIV/AIDS is that individuals were able to reduce fear of living with infected people and also started playing a role in encouraging them to live a more positive life. The awareness combined with medication helped individuals live for long and serve their respective economies for more than twenty years after they were first infected. With time, marriage between an HIV / AIDS positive spouse and an HIV / AIDS negative one became possible allowing the couple even to have children. Individuals have also come to know the essence of using of the PrEP to reduce chances of being infected with the HIV/AIDS infection.

Individuals who are at a high risk of being infected with HIV/AIDS have been able to reduce the chances of being infected by utilization of PrEP. Even with the availability of PrEP, there are some measures one would need to focus on so as to reduce chances of being infected with the HIV/AIDS infection. Copulation has remained among the most prevalent method through which people get infected with HIV/AIDS. Instead of having many relationships, one would need to make sure that he or she is in only one for safety purposes. The more sex partners one has, the more exposed he or she is to being infected with the HIV/AIDS infection and the higher the chances he or she will spread the infection to many people. It would, therefore, be essential for one to make sure that he or she limits his or her relationships to as few as possible. One would also need to make sure that he or she practice safer sex by ensuring that he or she uses protection to lower the chances with fluids from his or her partner. Learn about truvada cost here!

One would also need to know his or her HIV/AIDS status as early as possible for him or her to make sure that he or she gets into ARVs where he or she is infected or use PrEP where he or she is prone to acquiring it. As a result, one tends to be self-aware and makes sure that he or she does not expose herself or himself to irresponsible sex. For more facts about HIV/AIDS, visit this website at

One would also need to make sure that he or she knows the HIV status of his or her partner just to be sure that he or she will not get infected the moment he or she get committed to fulfilling his or her conjugal needs. One would also need to make sure that he or she is tested of other sexually transmitted infections bearing in mind that these infections tend to increase one chances of acquiring HIV. Know about truvada here!